Unique Center

Padmasri Dr.S.P.Balasubramanyam (Balu) Renowned Playback Singer of Indian Movies talks about Dr.Phaniendra Kumar - video

Comments of Mr.Koti, The Famous Indian Movie Music director while Felicitating Voice Surgeon - Dr.Phaniendrakumar- video

A unique Center for Care of Professional

A unique Center for Care of Professional or singing voice-

Our center offers state-of-the-art care to service the unique needs of those who depend on their voices for their livelihood. Individuals in this category include performers (i.e. singers, actors, broadcasters, etc.), executives, attorneys, salespeople, lecturers, instructors, and anyone else who uses his/her voice in a professional setting. Services include voice therapy, singing instruction, foreign and regional accent reduction, and executive speech skills. We also focus on the prevention of vocal problems while improving voice skills through a customized program of vocal abuse reduction.

Most singers seek professional voice help for voice changes, vocal fatigue, anxiety, throat tension, and pain. All these symptoms must be quickly addressed to restore the voice and provide physical and emotional relief. Speech-language pathologists who have special training and experience in treating singers and other professional voice users can assess these symptoms, restore the voice, and provide relief through effective voice therapy.

To better understand your needs, we will ask you to complete a special form for singers and actors. If you are experiencing an “acute” problem, one that has persisted for 2-5 days, we will try to schedule your visit immediately. If you’ve had the problem for a longer time, your comprehensive evaluation will include:

OBJECTIVE VOICE ANALYSIS: We will use a computer program to analyze samples of your speaking and singing voice to obtain an accurate “picture” of your current voice. This visual profile reveals your spoken pitch range, and the status of eighteen different parameters of your voice when speaking and singing. These parameters include the status of your vocal strength, symmetry of vocal fold movements, variations in pitch and breath control, tremor, air leakage, and voice breaks.

PULMONARY FUNCTION STUDY: As breath support is the foundation for your voice, it is important to determine the status of your lung capacity that undergirds the voice.

Balu Appriciation - video

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